Focus on your strong point to mt nba 2k20 help you become a better at basketball.Your best skills may not be center-stage every game, learning your strengths will help you become a better team player. Know the things you're great at and keep practicing to get even better.

Make sure to practice your layups frequently. Layups account for up to 80 percent of all shots. When you practice, be sure to run at the goal with full speed, then shoot while jumping in the air.This method will assist you in perfecting your ability to jump and then shoot.

Learn how a proper bounce pass. A useful bounce pass that's good is going to end up hitting the receiving player at waist level. A useful tip is to have the ball bounce at about 3/4 of the distance that the receiving player is. There can be other factors in play to cheap nba 2k20 mt keep in mind, though.

Would you like to pull one over on your opponent? Back passes can give your team the opportunity to score while the other players.Use the dominant hand to hold onto the back pass.This should trick to confuse the opposing team.